Age Spots
Seborrheic keratosis, known more commonly as “age spots,” “liver spots,” or “wisdom spots” are darkened, elevated spots on the skin. At Miami Dermatology and Laser Institute, our board-certified dermatologists treat age spots (seborrheic keratosis) on men and women living all over the world.
Seborrheic keratosis is a common condition that develops most commonly in older men and women. Characteristics that distinguish these abnormal growths from brown spots are:
Raised from the skin
Rough, wart-like texture
Multiple growths on the face and body
Can appear tan, black, white or brown
Can develop near the eyes in people with darker skin
What Causes Seborrheic Keratoses (Age Spots)?
People with light skin are more likely to develop age spots. Family history also plays a role in determining if someone is susceptible to the stubborn growths. Some studies have linked sun damage to age spots.
How Are Seborrheic Keratoses (Age Spots) Treated?
Because an age spot looks similar to some types of cancers, the first step is to have the growth diagnosed by one of the providers on the MDLI team. If it is not cancerous, you may choose to have it removed for cosmetic reasons. Some age spots, although harmless, are problematic due to their location on the face and body, such as an area where the growth is rubbed and irritated. Treatment for age spots works by removing the growth from the skin. This may be accomplished with laser, biopsy, electrocautery, topical medications, hydrogen peroxide and other destructive methods or treatments that destroy the growth.
What Should I Expect From Seborrheic Keratoses (Age Spots) Treatment?
After the age spot is removed, it is unlikely that a new growth will develop in the same place. You may develop new age spots in other areas. Dr. Waibel may make some recommendations on ways that you can reduce your chances of developing new age spots.
Am I A Good Candidate For Seborrheic Keratoses (Age Spots) Treatment?
If you find an abnormal growth on your skin, you should have it diagnosed by Dr. Waibel. If she determines that the growth is seborrheic keratosis, she will explain your treatment options.
Age spots are a common sign of aging that can be treated quickly and easily. The board-certified dermatologists at Miami Dermatology and Laser Institute, offers men and women in Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Kendall and surrounding communities in Florida treatments for age spots. To learn more about our treatments for seborrheic keratosis, contact us today to schedule a consultation.