Psoriasis Treatment
Psoriasis creates dry and itchy skin that can be irritating and difficult to manage. Miami Dermatology and Laser Institute offers psoriasis treatment to men and women living in and around Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, and Kendall, FL.
What Is Psoriasis?
Psoriasis is a very common and chronic autoimmune condition affecting the skin. Approximately one percent of the population is affected by psoriasis, and there is a genetic component. Approximately 30 percent of patients with psoriasis may have a joint disease called psoriatic arthritis, which necessitates effective treatment to avoid permanent joint damage.
There are several forms of psoriasis. The most common, psoriasis vulgaris, appears as red patches with overlying silver-white flakes that are found on the elbows, knees, body, and scalp. Other variants can occur in body folds or on the hands and feet, or even following a streptococcal bacterial infection. The fingernails or toenails may also be affected by psoriasis.
Our patients experience many benefits as a result of treating their psoriasis. At Miami Dermatology and Laser Institute, we customize our treatments to fit your individual needs. We believe that we can offer the most comprehensive service by using our world-class knowledge and experience to create a program that is unique to you. As a result, psoriasis treatment addresses not just your health concerns, but any emotional concerns you may have as a result of your psoriasis condition as well.
Ultimately, our team seeks to help you create the healthiest and most radiant skin possible, and will do everything we can to support you on this mission.
Treatment for psoriasis depends on the location and severity of the condition. Various topical prescriptions, including steroids, calcineurin inhibitors, or tar therapy, have been the mainstay of psoriasis treatment. The expert board-certified dermatologists at Miami Dermatology and Laser Institute are on the forefront of new developments for treating psoriasis, eczema and other inflammatory skin diseases with the most effective solutions, ranging from light therapy to oral medications and injectable biologic therapy for more severe cases of psoriasis.
Our medical team at Miami Dermatology and Laser Institute will design a customized psoriasis treatment program for each individual patient based on his or her condition, lifestyle, and goals. We invite residents of Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, and Kendall, FL, to visit our office and learn how we can help improve your psoriasis symptoms. Contact us to learn more.